Pac-Man's Search for Meaning
Video game discussions for and by geniuses.
2 years ago

S1E6 - Papers, Please: Could There Be Negative Aspects of Border Security?

The game about borders might have something to say about borders??

Papers, Please (2013) is arguably the most straightforward game we have discussed so far. It's a game where you play as an immigration inspector at a border crossing, and, believe it or not, the game explores the nature of that work, the ethical questions one might face when working in such a position, and the ethics of closed borders in general. Other cool themes include: the dehumanizing effect of bureaucracy, totalitarianism, and revolution. Or at least that's the stuff we think the game is about. List to us ramble about it and let us know where we got it right or wrong.

SPOILERS just for this game, and the outcome of the Cold War

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